social media

After spending some moments on social media - why do we often feel worse at the end of that time?

A reflection from Brooke Gladstone of WNYC’s On The Media on why using social media is more often dishearenting than uplifting.

Brooke is one of my favorite media commentators, and in this audio essay she looks at how the competition between T-Series and PewDiePie may illuminate uncomfortable truths about human nature, and how internet companies gamify it, more than it might say anything about personal or group ideologies and bigotries.

Screenshot of FlareTV's live subscriber count for the PewDiePie vs T-Series competition ( FlareTV / Youtube )

Screenshot of FlareTV's live subscriber count for the PewDiePie vs T-Series competition ( FlareTV / Youtube )

I'm guessing that not many of you ever did care about him. But this show is about big symbolic issues. So I'll end on the ones addressed earlier this hour, the perils of capitalism and what happens when the basic human need for attention is denied and wrap them both up in the saga of PewDiePie. This week Eli Pariser wrote in Time magazine about restoring dignity to technology. And he drew on the work of Harvard researcher Donna Hicks, who tracked how violent conflict around the world arises from assaults to human dignity. How being excluded stimulates the same part of the brain as a physical wound. Pariser laid out how online platforms like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube threaten our dignity. Ignoring what we want and distracting us with what we don't, so that we stay and stay and stay.

Eager eyeballs, angry eyeballs, anguished eyeballs are all worth the same. PewDiePie knows this and he may be sorry, but not that sorry. Extrapolate to the culture, it's not hard and you'll see that it doesn't respect us either. I used to blame human nature for the messes we made online and off. But I'm starting to realize that our natures are plastic. We could be enticed easily to be our better selves but we wouldn't be worth as much. Because we wouldn't need to stay so long.

Social Media and Social Overload

I've been quick to adopt social media and tech apps. Most of the time this is in the interest of "keeping up with my students." I, rightly, figure that if I am going to be reaching students I should be aware and familiar with how they choose to communicate and represent their identities. 

This video gives me pause (if perhaps only briefly), it also happens to be pretty funny. Pop culture media has a way of capturing the Zeitgeist and in this instance the option to declare "social bankruptcy" might signal a greater unease with the expectations we heap on ourselves when we strap in with a new social media app. 

We aren't defined by our technology use...or at least, we don't want to be....I assume.

Editors Note (3/23/14 - 1:00pm)

So after having watched this recent episode of Community how could I NOT post it?! Dan Harmon's treatise on Generation Like and social capital with social media. Not to mention it mixes Hunger Games and Logan's Run. 

Some of the best tweets from Dalton 14

As a graduate student in the Higher Education Program at Florida State University I volunteered to help organize this years Dalton Institute on College Student Values. I decided to use storify to collect some of my favorite tweets.

This list is by no means exhaustive as I was somewhat limited by Storify's capabilities but it captures the "Ethic of Care" theme of the conference quite well.