Living with a COVID-19 Pandemic

An image of a typical coronavirus

An image of a typical coronavirus

I’ve always been one who responds to times of stress or concern with a bit of education and a healthy amount of list creation.

Large portions of the public health community are now saying that the widespread prevalence of the Wuhan Coronoavirus (covid-19) in the U.S. is not a matter of if but when. There are some practical things you can do to keep yourself informed, calm, and prepared.


Most of these articles are saying the same basic thing, but adding or subtracting commentary based on the sources specialties.

Scientific America article on prepping:

NPRs life kit article on what to prepare and how to stay safe:

This journalist specializes in infectious diseases and will be reporting as this unfolds in North America:

Supply Building

Ensure that there is a 2-3 week supply of the following things (factor household size/possibility for multiple sick):
[ ] Ibuprofen
[ ] Acetaminophen
[ ] Bleach
[ ] Soup/Beans/Rice
[ ] Shelf stable snacks
[ ] Granola
[ ] Rolled Oats
[ ] Frozen vegetables
[ ] Canned Vegetables
[ ] Ramen
[ ] Toilet Paper
[ ] Paper Towels
[ ] Tissue Paper

Going Deeper

Still feeling overwhelmed or that the short list of items listed above isn’t enough? Research these lists:

This list of items was created specifically in response to covid-19: curates a decently detailed emergency preparedness kit: